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The public is welcome to attend all public meetings of the Board.

The Meeting will be held at our new offices at 333 N. Summit St., Suite 1401, Toledo, Ohio 43604. You may park at the N. Superior St. Garage operated by Park Smart. The entrances to the garage are on N. Superior or N. St. Clair Street. You may park in any unrestricted space (3rd floor and above.) In the event that there is a Special Event Parking at the Garage, inform the attendant that you are attending the Mental Health & Recovery Services Board meeting and they should allow you access without paying the special event fee. Remember to take a ticket and bring it with you for validation.

If you cannot attend this meeting but would still like to view it, you can watch the meeting via the following link  https://www.lcmhrsb.oh.gov/watch/

Meeting packets are available via the MHRSB website MHRSB of Lucas County – MHRSB of Lucas County (oh.gov) under Board Information. Hard copies will be available at the meeting.


The Mental Health & Recovery Services Board of Lucas County strives to ensure a welcoming and safe environment for all visitors attending a Board, Committee, or Sub-Committee Meeting. Accordingly, reasonable accommodations will be made for visitors with special needs when provided 24 hours of prior notice. Additionally, each meeting will offer an open session to solicit comments from visitors. Visitors wishing to speak during an open session are requested to identify themselves, the group or agency they represent (if any), and the comment topics. Comments are limited to 3 minutes per speaker.

A new issue brought up by a visitor may not be considered by the Board, Committee, or Sub-Committee. At the discretion of the MHRSB or Committee Chairs, issues brought up by visitors may be forwarded to the Executive Director for follow-up. Sub-committee Chairs may deliver information to their convening committee for consideration.

Finally, the Chair reserves the right to recognize visitors during other parts of the Board, Committee, or Sub-Committee proceedings if they believe the visitor’s comments would be pertinent to the motion or business being considered. All additional conversations by visitors during meeting proceedings are discouraged. Visitors that disrupt Board, Committee, or Sub-Committee meetings may be asked to leave.


April 16, 2024
4:00 pm - 5:30 pm
Event Category:


MHRSB Board Room
333 N. Summit St. Suite 1401
Toledo, OH 43604 United States
+ Google Map


MHRSB of Lucas County