The Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Lucas County (MHRSB) requests qualifications for a vendor to provide operate Dani’s Place, an adult, residential mental health rehabilitation center located on the campus of the Northwest Ohio Behavioral Hospital in Toledo.

Services required are described in the RFP, but generally include obtaining Ohio Department of Mental Health and Addiction Services certification as a Class One Residential Facility and Outpatient Provider for the facility, as well as providing all aspects of its ongoing administration and operation.

The complete RFP and other relevant documents may be obtained below.


Eligible entities should submit 1 digital copy of their proposal as outlined within the RFP to no later than 4:00 pm on February 21, 2025. Direct all questions as noted in the RFP.

This project was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $2 Million with 30 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.

Responses Due: February 21, 2025
Submission Method: Electronic
Bidders Conference: January 23, 2025, at 2:00 PM EST
Questions Due: January 22, 2025, by 4:00 PM EST

Updated as of 1-13-25

Bidder’s Conference Information- January 23, 2025 2:00pm Via Microsoft Teams

Join the meeting now   Meeting ID: 266 854 092 587  Passcode: Bi3ew3oM

Dial in by phone +1 872-242-7941,,844160474# United States, Chicago Phone conference ID: 844 160 474#

Updated as of 1-23-25

Click here for Bidders Conference Q&A

Updated as of 1-24-25

Click here for Bidders Conference Recording




The Mental Health and Recovery Services Board of Lucas County (MHRSB) requests qualifications for a vendor to provide furniture and associated services in connection with Dani’s Place, an adult, residential mental health rehabilitation center for NW Ohio (Project) located on the campus of the Northwest Ohio Behavioral Hospital in Toledo. Hplex Solutions has been selected as Owner’s Rep (OR), and NAC has been selected as design professional (DP).

Services required include working with MHRSB, the OR, and the DP for order finalization and fabrication, storage, delivery, and installation of furniture products for the Dani’s Place project as indicated on the drawings and per the specifications planning & design, and at-risk construction of the Project.

As required by ORC 9.33, et seq., MHRSB requests proposals from experienced firms to provide services for the Project.

Interested firms must submit 2 paper copies and 1 digital copy of their proposal as outlined within the RFP available on the MHRSB website, to OR contact John Durda (, Hplex Solutions, 65 Hidden Ravines Dr., Suite 100, Powell, OH 43065, no later than 12:00 pm on January 16, 2025. Submittals received after this time may be considered solely in MHRSB’s discretion. Direct all questions to the DP and OR as noted in the RFP.

This project was supported by the Health Resources and Services Administration (HRSA) of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) as part of an award totaling $2 Million with 30 percentage financed with non-governmental sources. The contents are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by HRSA, HHS, or the U.S. Government.

The complete RFP and other relevant documents may be obtained below.

Full REQUEST FOR PROPOSALS: Furniture & Furnishings for Dani’s Place, a new adult, residential mental health rehabilitation center for NW Ohio

Dani’s Place Furniture Plans

Dani’s Place Furniture Specifications

For the next addendum please email questions by noon on Monday, December 23. We will send out an addendum as required Tuesday, December 24. Please note that you will receive out of office messages from the NAC team next week, but all questions submitted will still be responded to per the schedule.

Updated as of 12-18-2024

Please see Addendum 1.

Updated as of 12-24-2024

Please see Addendum 2.

2022 PLA Public Construction Projects MHRSB 2023

Dani’s Place Finish Plans

Dani’s Place Furniture Plans

For the next addendum please email questions by noon on Monday, December 23. We will send out an addendum as required Tuesday, December 24. Please note that you will receive out of office messages from the NAC team next week, but all questions submitted will still be responded to per the schedule.

Updated as of 12-24-2024

Please see Addendum 3.

Updated as of 1-10-2025

Please see Addendum 4.


Our Mission is to cultivate a high-quality network of resources that inspires personal recovery and promotes mental wellness for Lucas County residents.