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This free eight-hour training will enhance one’s ability to identify and de-escalate a person in crisis.
About this Event

Mental Health First Aid is an interactive, evidence-based ‘first responder’ training course that presents an overview of mental illness and substance use disorders. Learn how to recognize the symptoms of mental health problems, how to provide initial help, and how to guide a person towards appropriate professional assistance.

Participants will learn a 5-step action plan encompassing the skills, resources, and knowledge to help an individual in crisis connect with an appropriate professional, peer, social or self-help service. Those who successfully complete the 8-hour course will receive a national certification as a Mental Health First Aider.



November 13, 2019
8:30 am - 5:00 pm
Event Category:


United Way of Greater Toledo
424 Jackson Street
Toledo, OH 43604 United States
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